Thursday, October 4, 2012

Who Am I?

On September 27, 1997 my mom was rushed in the wee morning during a storm to Cape Fear Memorial Hospital. There, I was born! Gracyn Wendall Bartolo. I have lived in Wilmington, North Carolina my entire life on I love it here! I love going to the beach and looking at the marine life, I love living here with my parents, sisters, grandparents, and friends, and I'm loved by all of them, I think because of my sense of humor. My sense of humor is probably my favorite trait of mine. I love making myself laugh (even if it is lame), and I love making others laugh too. Movies are a way for me to escape the world. The people that upset me or all the stress that is piled up, movies can help me forget all of that stuff and put my mind on something else. 
Why do I love the beach so much? Because ever since I was little I have wanted to be a marine biologist. Marine life interests me so much it’s insane! I have been known for being very curious and dedicated to learn about my interests (as you can tell about marine life), but not so inclined to pay attention to things that I am not interested in. The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney princess movie of all time. And Ariel is exactly that! If you remember in the movie, the opening scene, Ariel forgetfully skips the concert to go plunder through a sunken ship with her friend flounder. Obviously the sunken ship excites Ariel more than the concert. (It would excite me more too).  
"You! Knight to H-3!..check...." I have no idea how to play chess so I don't know what that means. Harry Potter is my favorite sequel. Ron Weasley, played by Rupert Grint, is a character that I would compare myself to in the movies. He has a strong connection to his siblings like I do with mine, he is very laid back and doesn't cause any drama along with all the rest of the drama (I can’t stand drama), and he is very loyal to his friends throughout the end through thick and thin. In the chess scene, it isn't normal chess they're playing. Its wizard chess! Wizard chess is very dangerous and Ron sacrifices himself for his friends to move on. Now that's loyalty.
I haven't exactly been the girly girl. You could say I'm a tomboy. My mom has my two older sisters for girly girls. My parents and sisters are always laughing either at me or with me, I don't care which! Laughter is everything to me. Just trying to find a way to make myself laugh doesn't take much to do. Even if I say a joke and nobody laughs, I will start laughing because I think I am that funny. I’m trying not to be conceited here. Darlene from Roseanne is a complete replica of me! She has the same snide, dry humor; very witty and clever. She finds the humor in all situations, good and bad.
That’s me in a nut shell. Gracyn (Gracie) Wendall Bartolo is what you just read. You now know I want to be a marine biologist and how I'm just like Ariel in that position. My favorite movie sequel is Harry Potter and how I connect with Ron because I'm laid back and go with the flow. And how I'm like a replica of Darlene from Roseanne because we share the same sense of humor.

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