Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Believe In...

I Believe In…
… I believe in Kelli and Mary Vane, for helping me through school and all the support they give me.
… I believe in Mom and Dad, for fifteen years they have given me food, shelter and clothes on my back, even when I don’t deserve it.
… I believe in Grandma and Poppa, for they have given me everything I have asked for even when I don’t need it.
… I believe in Kayla, for letting me talk to her about the same stuff over and over again without her getting tired of me.
… I believe in Caysey ever since eighth grade we have had a class together and she makes them my favorite class of the year.
… I believe that Hogwarts should be a real school and I should be a wizard so I can be in Gryffindor.
… I believe in marriage, that it can be between two people who are in love. Man and man, woman and woman, and man and woman.
… I believe in all of my friends in general, for giving me all the good and bad memories, all the laughs and tears, and all the drama other people has put us through.
… I believe in my overall family, for loving me my whole life, the support and understanding they give me for school and putting up with me when I’m annoying and crazy.
… I believe in myself, I can get through this psycho, unrealistic dimension I live in. I can get through whatever my unfair teachers give me for school, I can get through the pain and sorrow my parents give me when I go off to college. Whatever happens, I can get through it because every day I get stronger. I believe in myself the most….  

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