Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quote Post

·         Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mine. –Dr. Seuss.
This quote to me means if you know people that not exactly bully you but insult you and keep telling you negative things about yourself, then they shouldn’t matter to you. Whatever they say or do doesn’t need to mean anything and you need to think about not having them in your life. The people that should stay in your life are the ones saying positive stuff and what they say counts. They’re the people who do not care what you do or look like. 
            Whenever someone tells me something bad about myself, it sometimes gets to me. So I try to always remember this quote and it usually works. I also go to some of my good friends and tell them what happened and they’ll be like “oh no, no, you’re not that at all. Who told you something like that”? One time in second grade I had this bruise between my eye and nose and someone told me I get abused because no one liked me. Well I told my friend Caysey this and she told me to not worry about it, that everybody loves me and the bruise wasn’t at all noticeable. I have always remembered that day and from that day I have realized what this quote has meant.  
·         Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. – Dr. Seuss
This is a good quote for children. When kid’s starts looking forward to something like birthdays or vacations they are thrilled for the days before it. Then when it comes to time when it’s about to end they start moping and get sad. Once the vacation is over or birthday then they cry and want it all to happen again. What they don’t realize is its only special once, not everything will happen the exact same or else it’s not special. Only cry if it didn’t happen, smile because you got to do it. Be grateful. 
            In third grade, my parents, sisters, and I went to Bush gardens and Water Country USA for five days in Virginia for a vacation. We were so stoked! I was counting down the days until time to leave. The date finally came and I just knew it will go by faster than when it came. It had been a while all five us were on a trip together. The road trip was always the best part, then the water park, and then bush gardens, the hotel rooms were pretty fun as well. As soon as I realized it would be our last night in in Virginia I got bummed out. All I could think about was how much I would miss and all laughs we had here, I didn’t want to leave. When we started packing the car up I started to cry. Kelli asked what was wrong and I told her I didn’t want this vacation to end I wanted to be here forever. When she told me this quote and I didn’t understand it at first, but on the car ride home I finally got it. So I stopped crying and began to sing and talk just to annoy Kelli and Mary Vance. 
·         If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn’t be, and what it would be, it would. You see? - Alice In Wonderland


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