Wednesday, October 24, 2012

AP Writing Prompt

  1. Choose a novel or play that depicts a conflict between a parent (or a parental figure) and a son or daughter. Write an essay in which you analyze the sources of the conflict and explain how the conflict contributes to the meaning of the work. Avoid plot summary.
Title: Plainsong
Author: Kent Haruf
In my book, Plainsong, every morning Victoria Roubideaux wakes up puking sick. Her mother only thinks she has been drinking the night before, until it clicks in her brain and realizes Victoria has been puking every morning. Victoria’s mother kicks her out when she concluded on her being pregnant and Victoria has to go stay with a friend. A high school girl is knocked up and kicked out.
“Victoria, what’s the matter with you?”(8) “Nothing, Mama go back to bed” (8). At first Victoria’s mother thinks she has only been drinking. “Don’t lie to me. You’ve been drinking, haven’t you?”(9) Obviously that isn’t the case. “You know what I think, little miss… I think you got a baby in you and it’s making you puking sick” (9). “Mama, don’t” (10). Victoria didn’t know what to do; her eyes began to fill up with tears. “You can just leave this house” (10). Victoria got ready for school after that argument and came back that night around seven after her shift at the cafĂ©.

All Quiet on the Western Front

                Paul says at the end “I am so alone and so without hope…” (295). Show the major events that caused Paul view himself in this way. Why did he feel this way? How did he battle this throughout the book? Did he win? Did he lose? Explain.
            But Paul soon discovers war isn’t exciting or peaceful at all. He finds it to be harsh, traumatizing, and he forgets what home is like. He has to deal with the most gruesome things at the age of twenty. He no longer has the hope inside him like he did when he first enlisted. Paul Baumer has been at war for several years now. He had to leave his mother, father and sister behind but left with friends of his from school. Paul doesn’t mind war at first. He meets new friends to have by his side along for the experience. He finds it exciting to be out in the open with nature, having to only worry about himself and having friends to share the excitement with. When they’re done fighting for the day they go back to camp where it’s quiet and peaceful.
            Franz, kemmerich, Paul’s friend from school, is on his death bed. “…We grew up together and that always makes it a bit different” (28-29). When Paul sees someone he knows dying right before his eyes, he starts to lose hope in himself. He begins to feel helpless. Paul is still just a boy and he doesn’t know why this is happening to him or Franz. He says: “The whole world ought to pass by this bed and say: “That is Franz Kemmerich, nineteen and a half years old, he doesn’t want to die. Let him not die!” (29).
 Paul is let on leave. He walks into his home to the smell of potato-cakes and whortleberries. He looks up above him and sees his butterfly collection on the wall. His sister tells him their mother is in bed and probably has cancer again. “We might almost have known you were coming” (159). Paul goes up to see his mother and she asks, “sit here beside me” (159). “… Heinrich Bredemeyer… said it was terrible with the gas and all the rest of it” (161). Paul’s mother kept asking him if what Heinrich said was true. Paul didn’t want to frighten her or worry her so he said, “No mother, that’s only talk” (161). Night passes and Paul thinks, “I ought to have never come on leave” (185).
            Somehow Paul falls in a shell-hole while out on the front line. So he doesn’t get shot at, he buries himself in the mud and plays dead. While waiting for it to be clear, a Russian walks up behind him and kicks his foot. “The man gurgles” (216). Paul is lying side by side with this man as if he was his own friend. He realizes that no matter what country you’re from or team you’re on, you still have a life with a family and kids. Paul gets his address and writes to his wife. “No doubt his wife still thinks of him; she does not know what happened” (222). This put a new perspective on things for Paul It traumatized him in a way of a lesson. 
            Paul feels he is without hope for the reason being: he lost a friend right in the beginning, when he went on leave he found out his mother had cancer, and he never would have thought he would help a Russian. Paul puts everyone in front of himself even at times when he should have put himself first Unfortunately Paul lost the battle of hope. It came to the end of Paul Baumer. “He fell on October 1918… turning him over one saw he could not have suffered long; his face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come” (296).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quote Post

·         Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mine. –Dr. Seuss.
This quote to me means if you know people that not exactly bully you but insult you and keep telling you negative things about yourself, then they shouldn’t matter to you. Whatever they say or do doesn’t need to mean anything and you need to think about not having them in your life. The people that should stay in your life are the ones saying positive stuff and what they say counts. They’re the people who do not care what you do or look like. 
            Whenever someone tells me something bad about myself, it sometimes gets to me. So I try to always remember this quote and it usually works. I also go to some of my good friends and tell them what happened and they’ll be like “oh no, no, you’re not that at all. Who told you something like that”? One time in second grade I had this bruise between my eye and nose and someone told me I get abused because no one liked me. Well I told my friend Caysey this and she told me to not worry about it, that everybody loves me and the bruise wasn’t at all noticeable. I have always remembered that day and from that day I have realized what this quote has meant.  
·         Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. – Dr. Seuss
This is a good quote for children. When kid’s starts looking forward to something like birthdays or vacations they are thrilled for the days before it. Then when it comes to time when it’s about to end they start moping and get sad. Once the vacation is over or birthday then they cry and want it all to happen again. What they don’t realize is its only special once, not everything will happen the exact same or else it’s not special. Only cry if it didn’t happen, smile because you got to do it. Be grateful. 
            In third grade, my parents, sisters, and I went to Bush gardens and Water Country USA for five days in Virginia for a vacation. We were so stoked! I was counting down the days until time to leave. The date finally came and I just knew it will go by faster than when it came. It had been a while all five us were on a trip together. The road trip was always the best part, then the water park, and then bush gardens, the hotel rooms were pretty fun as well. As soon as I realized it would be our last night in in Virginia I got bummed out. All I could think about was how much I would miss and all laughs we had here, I didn’t want to leave. When we started packing the car up I started to cry. Kelli asked what was wrong and I told her I didn’t want this vacation to end I wanted to be here forever. When she told me this quote and I didn’t understand it at first, but on the car ride home I finally got it. So I stopped crying and began to sing and talk just to annoy Kelli and Mary Vance. 
·         If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn’t be, and what it would be, it would. You see? - Alice In Wonderland


Video Post

            This video is amazing. Obviously, it’s not a fake video and it’s a so graphic. This video actually got my adrenaline going and a smile on my face; and I’m only in my living room! You get to see the land all around you and you actually feel like you are there skydiving with the people.
            Skydiving has been on my bucket list ever since I was about eight. When I was in the eighth grade, my teacher over the summer went skydiving and he had someone go with him to take pictures and a video. The pictures were amazing and the video was awesome. Hopefully I’m going skydiving for my sixteenth birthday but who knows. It would feel like I’m one with the earth and actually get my adrenaline going, instead of watching it in my living room. The only thing I’m scared about is the landing.

I Believe In Essay...

What do I believe in? I believe in my two older sisters, Kelli and Mary Vance. Of course everyone with siblings would say “oh yeah I believe in my older brother or sister” without thinking twice about it, but I have a reason why I say my older siblings. Some older siblings think their younger brother or sister are annoying and want them to leave them alone, but Kelli and Mary Vance love me and always want me around. Kelli and Mary Vance are twelve and nine years older than me and moved out when I was young so the age difference might have something to do with it. The amount of love they give me is both equal yet different.


            Kelli is the oldest and moved out when I was seven. She is the smartest and wisest person I know and a great friend to have around. Her being the oldest makes her have the experiences that make her wise. Whenever I have trouble with school and homework or have a question with what I should do that’s best for me, she’s there to straighten things out and her answer is usually not wrong. Kelli and I share a special side. Some may say psychotic, we say fun. We love: watching ghost stories and documentaries (even though they freak me out), taking pictures, and eating holiday food. She understands me in a way none of my friends can or anyone else in my family. Kelli is married and her husband is just like her so we get along pretty well. I have a good relationship with my sister because I don’t hear any of my friends talk about their siblings like that. I don’t know what I would do without her; she’s honestly my one third, and that’s why I believe in her.

Mary Vance!

            Mary Vance on the other hand moved out a few years ago so we did get on each other’s nerves and yelled a lot, but she is the funniest and cutest thing ever! She can say something really obvious and crack me up (she has a lot of blonde moments). She is only 5’3” and really bubbly, I just want to stuff her in my pocket. She is more of the motherly controlling sister and I get mad at her for it but she is just looking after me and my future. Mary Vance only lives a few blocks away so whenever she isn’t busy with her job she can always help me understand my school work better. Whenever we hangout we like to shop, go to the beach or pool, and watch Disney princess movies. Mary Vance is not married yet but she has a boyfriend and I think we’re getting close to wedding bells soon. I can’t really describe my relationship with Mary Vance. It’s a regular sister bond but with splotches of our own craziness. It would be weird without her because I would only have two thirds of myself. For that, I believe in her.
            They love spending time with me, both individually and all three of us together. It’s so much fun when it’s just me, Mary Vance, and Kelli. It’s like the Bartolo girls go crazy when we’re with each other. They know how to make me laugh, they know how to make things easier, and they know how to connect with me. They relieve my stress and I have such an amazing time with them. We go to the movies, the mall, and each other’s houses. What I like about that is every time we hang out, we learn a little bit more about each other. Yes, it is possible.
 Kelli and Mary Vance are the best human beings on this earth. When we’re all together I feel like nothing bad is happening in the world. No conflict with friends, no troubles in school, no worries at all. That’s what a sister relationship is. When I can be at my lowest, ready to break and Kelli and Mary Vance still brighten my day. I thank them for that. I may not show it, I may not say it, but I do thank them for it and I hope they know it. I’m a whole when I am with them and it makes me complete. That is why I believe in them. It’s because I trust them with everything.   

Mary Vance (left), me, Kelli (right)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Believe In...

I Believe In…
… I believe in Kelli and Mary Vane, for helping me through school and all the support they give me.
… I believe in Mom and Dad, for fifteen years they have given me food, shelter and clothes on my back, even when I don’t deserve it.
… I believe in Grandma and Poppa, for they have given me everything I have asked for even when I don’t need it.
… I believe in Kayla, for letting me talk to her about the same stuff over and over again without her getting tired of me.
… I believe in Caysey ever since eighth grade we have had a class together and she makes them my favorite class of the year.
… I believe that Hogwarts should be a real school and I should be a wizard so I can be in Gryffindor.
… I believe in marriage, that it can be between two people who are in love. Man and man, woman and woman, and man and woman.
… I believe in all of my friends in general, for giving me all the good and bad memories, all the laughs and tears, and all the drama other people has put us through.
… I believe in my overall family, for loving me my whole life, the support and understanding they give me for school and putting up with me when I’m annoying and crazy.
… I believe in myself, I can get through this psycho, unrealistic dimension I live in. I can get through whatever my unfair teachers give me for school, I can get through the pain and sorrow my parents give me when I go off to college. Whatever happens, I can get through it because every day I get stronger. I believe in myself the most….  

Compare/contrast essay- Pet Dog vs. Pet Cat

Pet Dog vs. Pet Cat
There are things in the life of a house cat and family dog that are similar; they both are cared for and loved as part of the family. But there are also some differences between the two. Dogs teach responsibility and cats are more independent.  This essay will compare the similarities and differences between two pet’s lives from waking up in the morning to how they are cleaned.
As you may know that saying, “A dog is man’s best friend”. We depend on them for their protection. From the dogs’ obnoxious nonstop barking, burglars wouldn’t think about trying to enter that home. Sometimes I’ll be home alone while my parents are on a dinner date, and my dogs will be watching the doors and windows for things that look suspicious outside.  Dogs also depend on humans as well. I feed them, wash them, and train them. Dogs are a good pet to have for a kids benefit. It teaches the child responsibility, and so the kid will always have someone to play with when they get lonely. A dog can also tell their owners feelings. When the person is happy the dog will be playful, when the person is sad the dog will sit by your side and sit with you. Whenever I’m sad my dog will come lay with me all night. 
 Cats, however, are more independent. When cats go off by themselves they rather not be around anyone else and then they get into mischief. That’s where the saying “Curiosity killed the cat” came from. Cats bathe themselves, use a litter box, and are self-teachers. They are a good relaxing pet for the elder and an excellent cuddle buddy for the ladies. Whenever it’s raining at night, my cat and I will cuddle and watch movies. With the chill attitude cats have, they don’t startle or worry the owners when they’re gone long. Whenever I go out and I’m gone for about 4-5 hours I know everything will be okay because my cat can take care of herself.     
Cats and dogs are not all different. As pets they have some similarities, such as, both receive veterinary care, are loved as family members, and appreciated for their own unique qualities. Every cat and dog has a personality that fits their family. To me, a dog’s personality is a silly doofus that just wants to have fun and eat food. A cat’s personality is a snooty, prissy, king or queen of the household that wants to be pampered.  They both show unconditional love towards the owner. Some simple similarities are both domesticated mammals that can be found throughout the world, both have fur, both have four-legs, and both can be house trained.  
Obviously, dogs and cats are very different. Dogs are a man’s best friend, great for young kids and protecting the household. Cats are more of the elders’ type, independent, and great for cuddling. But cats and dogs also have those similarities. They both show the unconditional love, and both can be house trained. All together they are both great pets. I have both a cat and three dogs so from personal experience I would know.   

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Who Am I?

On September 27, 1997 my mom was rushed in the wee morning during a storm to Cape Fear Memorial Hospital. There, I was born! Gracyn Wendall Bartolo. I have lived in Wilmington, North Carolina my entire life on I love it here! I love going to the beach and looking at the marine life, I love living here with my parents, sisters, grandparents, and friends, and I'm loved by all of them, I think because of my sense of humor. My sense of humor is probably my favorite trait of mine. I love making myself laugh (even if it is lame), and I love making others laugh too. Movies are a way for me to escape the world. The people that upset me or all the stress that is piled up, movies can help me forget all of that stuff and put my mind on something else. 
Why do I love the beach so much? Because ever since I was little I have wanted to be a marine biologist. Marine life interests me so much it’s insane! I have been known for being very curious and dedicated to learn about my interests (as you can tell about marine life), but not so inclined to pay attention to things that I am not interested in. The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney princess movie of all time. And Ariel is exactly that! If you remember in the movie, the opening scene, Ariel forgetfully skips the concert to go plunder through a sunken ship with her friend flounder. Obviously the sunken ship excites Ariel more than the concert. (It would excite me more too).  
"You! Knight to H-3!..check...." I have no idea how to play chess so I don't know what that means. Harry Potter is my favorite sequel. Ron Weasley, played by Rupert Grint, is a character that I would compare myself to in the movies. He has a strong connection to his siblings like I do with mine, he is very laid back and doesn't cause any drama along with all the rest of the drama (I can’t stand drama), and he is very loyal to his friends throughout the end through thick and thin. In the chess scene, it isn't normal chess they're playing. Its wizard chess! Wizard chess is very dangerous and Ron sacrifices himself for his friends to move on. Now that's loyalty.
I haven't exactly been the girly girl. You could say I'm a tomboy. My mom has my two older sisters for girly girls. My parents and sisters are always laughing either at me or with me, I don't care which! Laughter is everything to me. Just trying to find a way to make myself laugh doesn't take much to do. Even if I say a joke and nobody laughs, I will start laughing because I think I am that funny. I’m trying not to be conceited here. Darlene from Roseanne is a complete replica of me! She has the same snide, dry humor; very witty and clever. She finds the humor in all situations, good and bad.
That’s me in a nut shell. Gracyn (Gracie) Wendall Bartolo is what you just read. You now know I want to be a marine biologist and how I'm just like Ariel in that position. My favorite movie sequel is Harry Potter and how I connect with Ron because I'm laid back and go with the flow. And how I'm like a replica of Darlene from Roseanne because we share the same sense of humor.