Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dense Question

Text:   Throughout ‘The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind’ William can’t go to school, his aunt gets sick, his dog dies, and his windmill is injuring him. How does William keep hope with himself?
            Even with the little information he has, William knows that if he doesn’t finish the windmill he won’t have any electricity. He likes communicating with his friends and family through phones that require electricity to charge and work. He likes to have running water to drink. He doesn’t go to school and the library is the only thing he has for him to learn. Besides working out in the fields he works on the windmill so he looks forward to it every day until it’s perfect.

Other Lit: Did Equality find what he was looking for at the end of Anthem or did he find something he wasn’t expecting?
            Both. Equality ran away to find who he was. He found not only himself but he found another; Liberty. He wasn’t expecting to find love when he was looking for himself.  

Reader: Describe a time when you thought your life was bad, then it got worse and you thought it can only get better - and it did.
            Three years ago, my favorite aunt past away from breast cancer. I was devastated and for several weeks the whole family was in tears. After we got over my aunt, my mom found out her best friend got breast cancer. The cancer didn’t take her as quickly as my aunt did but when my mom’s friend past away it was the same week as my sister’s wedding. The wedding took my mom’s mind off of her friend so it wasn’t as bad as my aunts passing. This was when my life was bad, then it got worst, and it actually got better.      

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