Monday, November 19, 2012

Anthem Research Paper

5. How does our society treat independent thinkers, daring innovators and successful entrepreneurs (like Equality)? Are they applauded or criticized? Write an essay on this topic, offering specific case studies to support your argument.

In our today’s society we are judgers. We think anyone who is different than others are bad. People with the big ideas go tell others about what they thought of that could help our generation get smarter. Independent thinkers and daring innovators are made fun of with what they bring in to show the people their invention and sometimes don’t even get a chance to tell them what it is. Either because the invention looks dumb or the inventor isn’t the type of person people look for in coming up with the plans. Later down the road that invention or idea could be millions and millions of dollars and no one would ever know because they got rejected. First off, they either get ignored or not taken seriously. Once the invention happens and it has a positive effect on things then the inventor will get respect or paid. So overall they are first criticized then later on once their invention works or idea comes to affect then they get applauded.

Admin. " » How Does Our Society Treat Independent Thinkers, Daring Innovators, and Successful Entrepreneurs?" Qajunctioncom RSS. N.p., 21 June 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Creative Writing Anthem

1.      Anthem illustrates the importance of thinking and judging independently and of acting according to our rational principles—even when “our brothers” oppose us. In light of the fact that smoking, drugs, shoplifting and gang violence often involve peer pressure, write a letter to a teen magazine explaining Anthem’s benefits for teenage readers. (Send your letter to a national teen magazine or your local paper—it might get published!)

Anthem’s benefit for teenagers is to be your own person. Peer pressure is a huge part in a teenager’s life from middle school throughout high school. People pressure you into doing drugs or start smoking because they say something like “Oh it’s what all the cool kids do nowadays” or “If you don’t do it you’re not cool enough to be my friend.” Kids need say no and be their own individual; not be like anyone else. It’s boring to do the same things as others and be like everyone else.  As to giving into peer pressure like smoking or shoplifting just to be cool is like being everyone else. Anthem teaches the readers to be a ‘WE’ but to be an ‘I’. Equality 7-2521 doesn’t want to be like everybody else and he does something about it. He starts to rebel against the society because he knows there is more to him than a street sweeper, so he does things that excite him. smoking, Drugs, shoplifting, and gang violence limits a person to their present life and future.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Anthem Question

#33. Where do the infants stay? Where do the children stay? What are their lives like? What was Ayn Rand saying through this?
            The “Home of the Infants” is where all boys, including Equality 7-2521, lived "with a hundred beds and nothing else in it". It was a sort of early childhood brainwashing station. Equality 7-2521's only transgression here is that he was a curious child. One should not stand out from the other kids.
            His real transgression didn’t really begin until age five. When you reach the age of five years old, they are sent to the Home Of Students, where there are ten wards, for the ten years of learning. Men must learn till they reach their fifteenth year. Then they go to work. For Equality 7-2521 he fought with other boys and was considered too tall and too smart.  
            Their lives are very organized and planned out. Everybody has to be like everybody and if they’re different then they are looked down upon. For Equality 7-2521 you would think he has it all because he is young, beautiful, tall, strong, fearless and brilliant; but he is considered different for all of those things therefore no one likes him or wants anything to do with him. Ayn Rand is saying it is okay to be different and nobody can be perfect. It’s hard to make everyone the same so just stay yourself.